智能控制课程教学中应用MATLAB的几点体会 |
Reflections on MATLAB Application in the Teaching of Intelligent Control |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1671-5322.2005.04.022 |
中文关键词: 智能控制 MATLAB 计算机辅助教学 |
英文关键词: intelligent control MATLAB CAI |
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摘要点击次数: 4993 |
全文下载次数: 4013 |
中文摘要: |
结合教学实践,对智能控制课程教学中应用MATLAB的有关问题进行了探讨,指出借助多媒体教学手段,充分发挥MATLAB的优势,可以针对智能控制课程的特点,达到更好的教学效果. |
英文摘要: |
With the help of teaching practice,the MATLAB application problems related to the teaching of intelligent control are discussed.It is pointed out that MATLAB suits the course very much and the better teaching effect can be obtained when MATLAB,together with the multimedia teaching method is applied. |
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