聚酯纤维在软土路基中的应用 |
The Study of Polyester Fiber Used on Subgrade |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1671-5322.2011.02.017 |
中文关键词: 软土路基 水泥稳定土 聚酯纤维 Cubic拟合 |
英文关键词: mollisol subgrade cemented Soil Polyester fiber Cubic interpolation |
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中文摘要: |
路基同时受到环境与荷载的作用,其稳定性关系着道路的安全性和耐久性.为提高软土地基的稳定性,开展了对软土地基粉土替换为聚酯纤维增强的水泥土的实验研究,试验证明该方法可以有效的提高软土路基的稳定性.将含量为由0‰到1.7‰的聚酯纤维掺入水泥稳定土混合料,对其干缩试验结果进行分析,并通过Cubic数值拟合得出试件性能随聚酯纤维掺量不同的变化规律为:δ=0.072Fs3-0.181Fs2+0.076Fs+0.017,并由此初步确定了聚酯纤维的最佳掺量为0.770 6‰,为工程实践提供了理论依据. |
英文摘要: |
The subgrade of highway simultaneously receives the affects from both the environment and the loads,which stability influences the highway’s security and durability.In order to enhance the stability of mollisol subgrade,we developed a study on replacing the mollisol soil with fiber strengthened cement soil.The experiment had been proved that this method might effectively enhance the stability of the mollisol sub grade.In this research,the polyester fiber was ranged from 0 ‰ to 1.7 ‰ and mixed with the cemented soil and the air shrinkage test and compression test were carried out.With the analysis of sample tests by Cubic interpolation method,a formula of the fiber content was found:δ=0.072Fs3-0.181Fs2+0.076Fs+0.017,in which the best content of the polyester fiber was 0.770 6 ‰.The result of this research can be a theory basis for the project practice. |
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