Research Progress of Visible-light Responsive Photocatalyst of WO3
中文关键词: 三氧化钨  可见光催化  形貌控制  贵金属沉积  合金团簇
英文关键词: tungsten trioxide  visible-light responsive photocatalysis  morphological control  noble metal deposition  alloy clusters
董鹏玉 盐城工学院 江苏省新型环保重点实验室, 江苏 盐城 224051 
关荣锋 盐城工学院 江苏省新型环保重点实验室, 江苏 盐城 224051 
奚新国 盐城工学院 江苏省新型环保重点实验室, 江苏 盐城 224051 
侯贵华 盐城工学院 江苏省新型环保重点实验室, 江苏 盐城 224051 
摘要点击次数: 4435
全文下载次数: 3916
      Photocatalysts exhibit a good application prospect in the control of environment pollution, especially for the air pollution and water pollution. This paper reviews the research progress of visible-light responsive photocatalyst of WO3 in recent years. WO3 powder photocatalyst with different morphology features could be obtained by adjusting and optimizing of the preparation conditions, and the as-prepared WO3 powder photocatalyst with large surface area and high crystallinity always shows excellent photocatalytic activity. Compared with WO3 powder, WO3 thin film has considerable practical application value since it was loaded on the surface of the substrate without the disadvantage of recycling as well as separation and inactivation. However, it is necessary to further improve the photocatalytic activity of pure WO3 thin film, which can be enhanced by designing the heterojunction or forming composite materials and can also be performed through deposition of noble metals to adjust the band structure of WO3 thin film. In particular, recent research suggests the photocatalytic activity of WO3 could be enhanced greatly by decorating of noble metal alloy clusters. This new method opens a window for improving the photocatalytic activity of WO3 and possesses an important application prospect.
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