Finite Element Analysis of Rear Loading Compression Garbage Truck Scraper Based on ANSYS
中文关键词: 压缩式垃圾车  刮板  ANSYS  有限元分析  轻量化
英文关键词: compression garbage truck  scraper  ANSYS  finite element analysis  lightweight
刘同举 江苏悦达专用车有限公司 江苏 盐城 224051 
潘新福 中汽中心盐城汽车试验场有限公司, 江苏 盐城 224100 
王伟 盐城工学院 机械工程学院, 江苏 盐城 224051 
摘要点击次数: 4398
全文下载次数: 3632
      Scraper is the main working part of garbage collection in the rear loading compressed garbage truck, and the stress deformation has large influence on working performance of the vehicle. In order to realize the lightweight design, based on the analysis of the force of the scraper, the simplified model is established by NX and ANSYS software, and the stress and strain nephogram are obtained by dividing the mesh and adding the load and the constraint. By analyzing the stress and strain nephogram, the maximum strain of the scraper appears in the middle of the lower half of the scraper, and the maximum stress appears at the indirect joint of the parts. Therefore, through the uneven arrangement of the stiffened plate, the weight reduction on both sides of the scraper and the enhancement of the welding quality at the joint of the pressboard, it is of great benefit to the optimization of the scraper structure, thereby saving the cost of the enterprise and enhancing the competitiveness.
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