Study on Anti-Radiation Concrete Prepared with Iron Filing and Steel Slag
中文关键词: 钢渣  铁屑  赤铁矿  抗辐射混凝土
英文关键词: steel slag  iron filing  hematite  anti-radiation concrete
杨唐军 中建三局大项目管理公司, 北京 100026 
摘要点击次数: 4671
全文下载次数: 3527
      为解决钢渣资源化利用问题,研究钢渣和铁屑在制备抗辐射混凝土上的应用。通过混凝土试块配合比设计及强度检测,发现:随着铁屑掺量的增加,混凝土抗压强度逐渐增大,当铁屑掺量达到30%时,抗压强度出现最大值;随着钢渣掺量的增加,混凝土抗压强度逐渐下降,当钢渣掺量大于20%后,抗压强度下降明显。利用研究结论制备抗辐射混凝土试块,在配合比:胶凝材料∶细集料∶赤铁矿石∶水∶减水剂为1∶3.11∶3.84∶0.41∶0.01时,力学性能、密度及和易性较好。此时,胶凝材料组成:水泥∶矿渣∶钢渣7∶2∶1,细集料组成:赤铁矿砂∶铁屑∶硼玻璃粉为1∶1.28∶0.49(体积比为4∶3∶3),混凝土试块密度为3 550 kg/m3、强度等级为C30。
      In order to solve the problem of resource utilization of steel slag, the application of steel slag and iron filings in the preparation of radiation resistant concrete was studied. Through the mix proportion design and strength test of concrete test block, it is found that the compressive strength of concrete increases gradually with the increase of iron filings content. When the amount of iron filings reaches 30%, the compressive strength appears the maximum value. With the increase of steel slag content, the compressive strength of concrete decreases gradually. When the content of steel slag is more than 20%, the compressive strength decreases significantly. By using the research conclusion, radiation resistant concrete block is prepared. When the mixture ratio is: gelling material∶fine aggregate∶hematite∶water∶water reducing agent is 1∶3. 11∶3. 84∶0. 41∶0. 01, the mechanical properties, density and workability are better. At this time, cementitious materials composed of cement slag steel slag 7∶2∶1, fine aggregate is composed of hematite ore: iron boron glass powder for 1∶1. 28∶0. 49(volume ratio 4∶3∶3), concrete block density is 3 550 kg/m3 and the strength grade of C30.
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