Backscattered Electron Image Analysis of the Modification Mechanism of Vitrified Microspheres on Aerated Concrete
中文关键词: 加气混凝土  玻化微珠  图像分析
英文关键词: aerated concrete  vitrified microsphere  image analysis
王琴 盐城工学院 土木学院, 江苏 盐城 224051 
尹明干 盐城工学院 土木学院, 江苏 盐城 224051 
陈康 盐城工学院 土木学院, 江苏 盐城 224051 
摘要点击次数: 4705
全文下载次数: 3927
      As the main product of fly ash aerated concrete, the change of crystal quantity of tobermorite has certain influence on the strength, dry density and thermal insulation performance of aerated concrete. By analyzing and processing the BSE pattern of ordinary gray aerated concrete and vitrified microbead modified ash aerated concrete, the volume fraction of crystal and colloid in two concretes was calculated. It is found that the colloid of vitrified microbead modified ash aerated concrete is 1. 5 times that of ordinary aerated concrete. Combined with the SEM photo analysis, it can be seen that the tobermorite crystals in the modified aerated concrete become smaller and the pore distribution is uniform, thereby improving the thermal insulation performance of the aerated concrete. The analysis results explain the mechanism of vitrified microsphere on aerated concrete from the microscopic point of view, while the image rule provides a scientific basis for quantitative analysis of hydration products.
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