Optimal Investment Problem of Considered Stochastic Labor Income Under Heston Model
中文关键词: Heston模型  劳动收入  随机控制  最优投资  指数效用函数  
英文关键词: Heston model  labor income  stochastic control  optimal investment  exponential utility function
姜奎 蚌埠工商学院计算机与数据工程学院 
摘要点击次数: 6219
全文下载次数: 4758
      Based on Heston stochastic volatility model, the optimal investment problem of investors with a random labor income is studied. Assume that the financial market consists of a risky asset(stock) and a risk-free asset(bank deposits), and consider that investors have a random labor income to maximize their terminal wealth under the exponential utility function. The stochastic control method is used to obtain the analytical expression of the optimal investment strategy for this problem, and the influence of the main parameters in the model and labor income on the optimal investment strategy is analyzed by numerical simulation. The results show that with the increase of labor income volatility, the proportion of investment in risk assets decreases. When the risk aversion coefficient increases, the proportion of investment in risk assets also decreases. The investment proportion of risk assets is very sensitive to the changes of parameters in Heston model.
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