Research on Numerical Simulation of Indoor Environment of All‐air Air Conditioning DC System
中文关键词: 全空气空调系统  温度场  速度场  湿度场  数值模拟
英文关键词: all air conditioning system  temperature field  velocity field  humidity field  numerical simulation
徐浩 盐城工学院 信息工程学院, 江苏 盐城 224002 
段小汇 盐城工学院 信息工程学院, 江苏 盐城 224002 
段文勇 盐城工学院 信息工程学院, 江苏 盐城 224002 
刘玮 盐城工学院 信息工程学院, 江苏 盐城 224002 
摘要点击次数: 479
全文下载次数: 834
      为研究送风物理属性(送风速度,送风温度和送风湿度)对室内热湿环境的影响,以THPZXC-1型全空气空调系统实验装置为研究对象,利用ANSYS CFX数值模拟软件,通过改变送风速度、温度和湿度等,分析室内环境的速度场、温度场和相对湿度场的分布情况,得出以下结论: 送风速度越快,室内温度分布越均匀;送风温度越高,室内相对湿度越低;送风湿度越大,室内平均相对湿度越高。
      In order to study the influence of physical properties of air supply (air supply speed, air supply temperature and air supply humidity) on indoor thermal and humid environment, the experimental device of THPZXC-1 all-air-conditioning system is taken as the research object. ANSYS CFX numerical simulation software was used to analyze the distribution of the velocity field, temperature field and relative humidity field in indoor environment by changing the air supply velocity, temperature and humidity, etc. The following conclusions were drawn: the faster the air supply velocity, the more uniform the indoor temperature distribution. The higher the air supply temperature is, the lower the indoor relative humidity is. The higher the air supply humidity is, the higher the average indoor relative humidity is.
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