Study on Reinforcement Time of Rock High Slope
中文关键词: 边坡稳定性  FLAC^3D  有限元法  锚杆支护  加固时机
英文关键词: stability of slope  FLAC3D finite  anchored structure  reinforcement time
张宁宁 华电电力科学研究院浙江杭州310030 
陈元俊 福建省建江水利水电设计咨询有限公司福建福州350001 
林锦旭 华电电力科学研究院浙江杭州310030 
王伟 中南电力设计院湖北武汉430071 
摘要点击次数: 4925
全文下载次数: 4175
      In order to study the stability of stratified rock slope in the road and its prevention measures,the numerical calculation model for rock slope was founded with FLAC3D finite difference software.The deformation of rock mass was analyzed in the excavation procedure,and the optimization scheme of reinforcement method and especially the reinforcement time was proposed according to the deformation failure mode of rock slope.The research result indicates that if method of excavation to the end is used,obvious deformation sliding surface will appear with excavation strength of slope increasing constantly,and will finally cause instability of excavation slope.However,when anchored structure to the slope was duly done,strength of rock and soil mass would be improved and deformation displacement be decreased obviously.This ensures the long-term stability of slope in the course of excavation and after the excavation.
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