The Design of the Automatic Production. Line for Sewing Cloth Long Bag
中文关键词: pwm整流器  滑模观测器  谐振式滤波器  无交流电压传感器
英文关键词: pulse width modulation rectifier  sliding mode observer  resonant-type observer  AC voltage sensorless
肖甘 成都纺织高等专科学校电子与电气工程系四川成都611731 
黄勤陆 成都纺织高等专科学校电子与电气工程系四川成都611731 
摘要点击次数: 4810
全文下载次数: 4540
      According to the mathematical model of PWM rectifier in two-phase static coordinate system,this paper proposed a direct estimation grid side voltage method to realize the AC voltage sensorless control.The sliding-mode observer(SMO) was used to reconstruction grid side voltage.The principle and design steps of observer were analyzed in detail.A resonant-type observer(RTO) was used to extract voltage information from equivalent control signal,thus avoiding the signal delay problem brought by using low pass filter.In order to weaken the chattering problem,the voltage estimated value was used as a feedback in the current model and,a new type of the sliding-mode observer was constructed.Simulation and experimental results show that PWM rectifier based on the proposed observer has good dynamic/static response and verifies the validity and feasibility of the proposed AC voltage sensorless control strategy.
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